Thursday, 31 May 2012

Windows XP - Disable Search

You can completely disable the Windows XP search functionality for a single user.  If you just want to do it for the current user, use the following steps:


1.  Select the Run option from the Start menu.
2.  Type "cmd" and hit Enter.
3.  Type "reg Export HKU backup.reg" and hit Enter.
4.  Type "reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoFind /t REG_DWORD /d 1" and hit Enter.
5.  Logoff and log back on.

You will notice that you cannot find any options to search anywhere within Windows, after you follow these steps.  However, this is only good for the current user.  If you want to do this for every user, then you will need to follow these steps for each user listed under the HKEY_USERS hive (include .DEFAULT).  You can find these users by typing "reg Query HKU" and hitting Enter.  You can ignore any of the entries that end in "_Classes", but for each of the others, replace "HKCU" in step 4 with "HKU\.DEFAULT" (replace .DEFAULT with the user, as needed).

How to Disable Right Click in Windows XP

Have you ever wished you could disable the right click ability in Windows? This article will tell you how to disable the right click function in Windows XP.


Open up the "run" command (if it is disabled use 'Windows Key' + R)
Type in "regedit" but without the quotations. Then push enter.

Navigate to:
Look for the value name "NoViewContextMenu" (if no such value exists, then just go ahead 
and create it)
Make sure the type is REG_DWORD
Type in a 1 to disable right clicking and a 0 to enable right clicking.
Restart your computer after the modification.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Keyboard Symbols - Names, Meanings and their Usage

Look around your keyboard. Can you find the circumflex symbol? How about the tilde? Or let's try a little bit more interesting: the cat symbol?

Here is a list of the common symbols you can find in your computer keyboard and how they are called by many of us. Most of them I bet you already know, but there are other names other people have called them, both common and rare.

Populate second select box according to the value selected in the first select box

You have come across many webpages where when you select your country its states automatically loads in the preceding combo box. Today, I am gonna show you how to do this with simple jQuery.

How to enlarge your Facebook profile picture

This blog is intended to show you how to make your profile picture as big as Facebook allows. If you wish to make your profile picture huge, just crop a picture to 540 pixels high, and 180 pixels wide. is a great service to use to accomplish this, and not only because they are free. Make sure to un-check the “maintain proportions.”

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

VLookup for latest record

Dear Friends,
You must have noticed that the incredible VLOOKUP function of MS Excel always get you the result which occurs first in the given range if your range isn't consists of unique values. In that case, you either want to sort the data in descending order which isn't quite useful as several data structure can not afford to be sorted every time you use vlookup or you have to remove the earlier duplicated records in order to get the latest one with VLOOKUP.
Today, I am going to show you how to get the latest record through VLOOKUP by using it with another great function that is COUNTIF. That is how, you neither have to sort the data nor removal of earlier duplication would be required.

Separating Text and Numbers from an alpha-numeric String to separate columns

Friends, Many times you must have came across the situation where you have to separate numbers from the text or text from the numbers from the alpha-numeric string and these numbers or texts are not in the position where you could apply the great "text-to-column" approach as they neither possess fixed width nor separated by any thing and they are of various lengths.
Do you know that you can create your own functions in excel? Yes you can, just like SUM, MIN, MAX, TRIM, UPPER and many other functions. Today, We will use GetChars() function which will extract alphabets from an alpha-numeric string and GetNums()  which will get us only numbers.